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Encounter at Akane Road


巡り巡り 時は流れど 変わらぬ面影

友よ今も この茜路は 美しく傍にある


それはまるで不意に 薫る風が運んでくる

胸の裡をそっと 通り過ぎる便りのよう

無邪気に語りあった あれから早幾年 過ぎようと

ひらりひらり 夢舞う丘で 並ぶ影法師

遥か遠く 馳せた想いは 色褪せぬままに

巡り巡り 時は流れど 変わらぬ面影

友よ今も この茜路は 美しく傍にある


命燈しあえば 儚くとも力強く

暮れる空に光る 暁へと向かう標

心で語りかける 言葉はまた何処へ 風となり

ひらりひらり 記憶の丘を 戯れに辿り

行方知れず いついつ迄も 願いと飛び立つ

ひらりひらり 夢舞う丘で 並ぶ影法師

遥か遠く 馳せた想いは 色褪せぬままに

巡り巡り 時は流れど 変わらぬ面影

友よ今も この茜路は 美しく傍にある



Going around and around, although time drifts by, that look of yours stays the same

My friend, today, too, this Akane Road looks beautiful by your side

That dream which we share

A sweet-smelling breeze suddenly came

Passing through my heart like a letter

We spoke innocently; since then, the years have passed

Nimbly, nimbly, upon a hill dreams dance, silhouettes stand together

As they hurried in the far distance, the color of those wishes began to dull

Going around and around, although time drifts by, that look of yours stays the same

My friend, today, too, this Akane Road looks beautiful by your side

That dream which we share

If the lantern that is your life grows dim

Look to as a guide the coming dawn that colors the darkened skies

Addressing the heart, words again blow on the wind to that place

Nimbly, nimbly, up that hill of memories we skipped

Without knowing the outcome, or how far it would go, we made a wish as we took off

Nimbly, nimbly, upon a hill dreams dance, silhouettes stand together

As they hurried in the far distance, the color of those wishes began to dull

Going around and around, although time drifts by, that look of yours stays the same

My friend, today, too, this Akane Road looks beautiful by your side

That dream which we share