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(Ritsu Sakuma) Melody



(...Tch, no one's even in here. Feels like I said hello for nothing.

Well, whatever. It's my fault for coming early.

I suppose I could just nap until everyone arrives... Or, since there’s a piano in here, I guess I might as well play a bit while I wait.

It’s perfect for killing time. Every room in ES should come with one of these.)


(Yep, sitting at the piano still calms me down. I can feel it washing away aaall my bad mojo~♪


How long have you been there for, Anzu? Hmm, I wonder... Did I lure you in with the sound of my piano?

You came to prep stuff for vocal practicing, huh. You could crack a joke every once in a while, you know.

You’ll think about it ‘til your brow knits up? Seriously, you’re so diligent...

Honestly, it’s not the end of the world if you can’t think of anything, so don’t bother getting that wrapped up in it. You’ll give yourself wrinkles.

Anyway, enough of that - c’mon, c’mere. Play some piano just for me. Tsukipi’s taught you a couple of songs, hasn’t he?

Mmm, what’re you holdin’ back for? ‘Cause we should be getting started with our vocal practice?

We’ve still got some free time, since not everyone’s here yet... It’s fine.

‘Kay, we’ll do some private practice. I’ll sing, and you can play.



Ah-ha, you’ve improved, haven’t you. Impressive, impressive...♪

You’ve been so busy that you haven’t had a lot of time to practice? If you’re not aiming to be a pro, then this is plenty good enough.

Alright, then lemme show you the basics~♪ Can you scoot over a little so I can sit?

Thanks. Let’s start off with an easy song.

I’ll show you an example, so just play what I do. ♪~♪~♪

Nice, that’s it. You catch on quick. Let’s keep going.

It’s been a while since I played piano four hands... I’d always play by myself in the middle of the night...

...Didn’t I play with Anija? Mmm, well... Don’t remember.

Anyway, you don’t gotta bring him up right now, ‘kay?

For being such a bad kid... How’s this ♪

Heheh. Gets harder when it gets quicker, huh. Just do your best to follow along with Ritsu-sensei.


My my. I thought I heard something pleasant! And here you two are playing along together!


Marvelous ♪ You’re magnificently skilled, Onee-sama and Ritsu-senpai.

If it’s quite alright, would you let us listen a little longer?


I’d like that too. We’ve still got some time before practice.


Ehhhh... But I was in the middle of some private practice...

Hmm? You wanna hear me play too, Anzu?

Majority rules, huh. Guess it’s fine to play a little. Just a little, ‘kay?


One of our songs, huh? ♪ The ballad version sounds sooo dreamy...


Indeed. It’s rather astonishing how a simple Arrangement can change the whole atmosphere of the song. It’s as majestic as before, but in such a different way.


It’s totally great, isn’t it? I’m practically spellbound...♪

I know. Why don’t we have Ritsu-chan play the piano during our next show? Just think: our voices, his melody... Why, it would be simply divine!


Basically, you want me to be the only one playing an instrument? That’s waaay more work for me. What, the rest of you guys gonna just sit back?

If a musical performance is what you want, then let’s make it square and have everyone play something.

Suuchan, you’re in charge of maracas~♪


Maracas!? Our songs don’t use even use maracas!


Then how about tambourine?


Why is this just turning into Karaoke...? I’m inexperienced with Western instruments, but please at least put me in charge of something Elegant.


Well, aren’t you tryin’ to look all good. You’re still cheeky, Suuchan~


It’s because I’m Tsukasa Suou, King of Knights, that I’m trying to look good. The people won’t listen to me if I’m so undignified.


Heehee. It’ll take quite some time and a lot of practice before I’m good enough to perform in front of a crowd, but the challenge’s worth the effort, right? I’m sure our fans’ll be happy, too.

Anzu-chan, what instrument would you like to see me play?

A harp? Oooh, yeah, that’s so mystical...


Onee-sama, please pick the perfect one for me as well. I didn’t like any of Ritsu-senpai’s awful suggestions...


Yeah? I thought I was being perfectly nice.

(They’re sure fired up about this... Did you forget about our vocal training, Anzu?

Well, I’m not that stressed over it. We’re still ahead of schedule.

...Back then, I always played piano by myself. I adored the way I could weave my music through the serenity of a quiet room.

I wonder when I started to naturally play in front of others, like just now. Mmm, I don’t remember.

...I’m sure Knights was one of the reasons, even though the five of us don’t get to meet up as often anymore.

Those two’ll come strolling back to Japan like they were just overseas for some location shoot... So I shouldn’t be lonely, but... Huh?

I got some data over HoldHands. Sheet music... From Tsukipi?

That’s all he sent? There’s not even any title or greeting... I guess inspiration must’ve welled up, so he sent it over on a whim.


...That’s fine — it feels like we’re still connected this way. Even if I can’t see him or Secchan in person, that connection hasn’t changed.

In the first place, our unit’s a collection of really individualistic people —

But when we’re all together, we’ve got the power to set the whole world on fire. That’s Knights for you.

I know I’m working hard — I don’t want to lose the “precious place” I’ve become so comfortable in.

So Tsukipi, Secchan — show me what you can do. I’ll quietly take care of things over here.)

...Hey, can I have a sec, everyone? There’s a song I wanna play...♪

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