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Makoto: Um... You're Akehoshi-kun and Sakasaki-kun from Class A, right? Do you need something from the Game Club?

Subaru: Wow, so you know our names even if we don't know yours? And you would be...?

Makoto: Oh, I'm Makoto Yuuki from Class B. You two are pretty famous, you know? There’s a lot of flashy guys in Class A... Heheh. ♪

Subaru: (Huh, he seems kinda plain and drab... But I guess he does look like he enjoys games.)

So, um, Yuuki-kun, was it? Are you part of the Game Club too?

Makoto: Um, ah, yeah... I really like playing games, see...

To the point that I'd spend all my day indoors as a recluse, and because of that my eyesight's gotten way worse.

Ah, but that's totally irrelevant, huh... What should I do~? I only just joined the Game Club myself, so I don't know any of the other members...

don't know who you'd be here for, but it's probably one of the other guys, right?

Ah, but I don't know any of their numbers... Um, what now? Do you want to wait until they come around?

Though, no one's really been showing up lately, so it's usually just me here… You might not get much out of waiting.

Ah, would you like some tea?

You're my guests, so let me pour you some. Let's see, um, here we go~.


Subaru: Are you okay?! Wooow, you tripped over nothing at all! You're the very definition of clumsy, aren't you...!

Makoto: Ahaha, sorry... It seems like my glasses aren't the right prescription for me.

The last time I took an eye exam, I gave them really shaky answers since I wasn't sure... But thanks to that, I guess they thought I had worse eyesight than I really do.

H-Huh? I can't see anything! My glasses, where are my glasses...!

Subaru: Calm down, I picked 'em up for you!

Subaru: Here you go! ♪

Makoto: Thank you~...♪

Subaru: ......

Makoto: ... Hm? W-What's wrong? Is there something on my face?

Subaru: Nu huh... You know, Yuuki-kun, you seem like a totally different person when the glasses come off.

Makoto: I-Is that so? Um, will you not stare at me so much...? I have a hard time meeting others' eyes... No, I should probably work on that, it's not fitting for an idol otherwise...

Natsume: (... Ah, so he's that Makoto Yuuki. So you've enrolled in Yumenosaki Academy right under my NOSE...

Though that can't be helpED, since I've yet to establish an intelligence network within the SCHOOL.

Yuuki-kun made quite the name for himself as a child moDEL, so much that he was called a prodIGY...

However, an idol and a model are two very different things; I wonder if he's finding it hard to make a break as a reSULT.

By helping such a BOY, he'll feel indebted to ME... How advantaGEOUS, I've found myself a windfall — it seems as if I'll have to adjust my plans ever so slightLY.)

Makoto: So, um... Can you not stare at me so much?

Subaru: Yuuki-kun, Yuuki-kun, what sorta game are you playing? It looks like sugoroku1 from the dice on the screen!

Isn't it boring to play it by yourself, though?

Makoto: A-Ah, please don't make yourself too at home~... We have some particularly valuable, retro gaming consoles here, you see.

The older members of the club would be steamed if something happened to those because of a little careless handling...

Natsume: Then they aren't here at ALL? I had business with one of THEM.

Makoto: W-Which one? Most of our members are, um, on the quiet side... So maybe you're thinking of our more famous one?

Natsume: Yes, I supPOSE.

Makoto: Um, well... He quit school, actually. Pretty recently too... I only just heard about it after school yesterday myself, I was surprised.

Subaru: Oh, yeah? A lot of people quit school here, don't they?

Makoto: Well, it's not like he left because his dream fell apart or anything... It seems like he got an offer to work in game development for real, so he decided to pursue it.

One of his hobbies was making games, you see, and I guess he wanted to do it for real, too.

So when a game company recognized his programming skills and offered him a job, it must've been a dream come true. O-Or so I heard.

Subaru: Huh, yeah? Having something other than idol work that you wanna do that badly, and then suddenly having the chance to make it into a reality... Anyone'd jump at the chance to do it.

It still kind of bothers me a little, but I totally get the feeling.

Natsume: Ahaha. No one really goes to this school in order to become an IDOL... It's foolish to do so, realLY. I think it's a wise— no, a very mature decision on his PART.

Outside of Akehoshi-kun, there's not a single person who's earnestly aiming to become an IDOL.

Rather, most are simply here waiting for something better to come aLONG, to find a way into the world they truly wish to live IN.

Even I'm only using this school for its connecTIONS. I truly am a fortune-tellER, while being an idol is merely an extra skill I thought I'd pick up in my spare TIME.

You're the same as WELL, aren't you Yuuki-kun? You're a model, after ALL.

Makoto: Oh, um, no, I'm not one anymore...

M-More importantly, I'm really sorry to be the bearer of bad news for you two, but the person you're looking for isn't in school anymore, right?

Everyone else in the Game Club joined because they wanted to be close to that guy, too...

I'm worried that everyone's gonna end up leaving the club now that he’s gone—

And if we don't have enough members, we really might be abolished.

  1. Sugoroku - A popular game in Japan in which players roll a dice in order to move their piece around a board towards a particular goal. Mario Party is a series of games by Nintendo inspired by e-sugoroku, the variant still played by many today.